Last night we decided that wood briquettes were going to make Christmas a very pleasant experience this year…no more having to go out to fetch more logs in the cold!

Being able to just reach for another briquette or cob and knowing that it will deliver heat right away is sheer bliss!
The other great thing is the safety aspect. As a customer remarked yesterday, not having to worry about the fire spitting, or needing to use the fireguard every time you take your eyes off the fire, is a big plus.
The guard definitely cuts the heat from an open fire, so a fuel that doesn’t spit is a more efficient space heater, plus a lot safer for anyone who is inclined to drop off to sleep in front of the fire!

Here at the Wood Fuel Co-op we’ve had so much positive feedback about not just the wood briquettes but also the Waxlings, the wood pellets and the storage facility, that we’re going to start putting your comments and feedback onto a ‘Your Comments’ page on the website. If you’d like to add your comments and views, please do contact us. (We promise to keep your identity and email confidential: just an initial and broad location will be used on comments, and we will never pass on any of your details.)
Have a cosy, relaxing festive season!