Are UK wood pellets better?
Many sellers stock cheap wood pellets imported from Europe. Although the prices are good and the pellets look identical, in our experience customer feedback has always been that UK wood pellets are less dusty and more consistent. They also produce less ash than imported brands.
The imported and unbranded pellets do have their uses. Many people use wood pellets for other purposes. Such as cat litter and horse bedding. However, if you’re buying for a biomass boiler, it pays to go for quality.

Our UK wood pellets are higher quality than many of the cheaper imported pellets. We prefer UK pellets for a number of reasons:
- They’re higher quality, so are less dusty
- They have a much lower bark content, so produce a lot less ash
- They’re made from sustainably-sourced UK softwoods
- They are harvested, processed and packaged in the UK
We stock Woodlets, which are made in Girvan, South West Scotland. Woodlets are very high quality wood pellets with an excellent reputation. Because they’re so local to us, they have a lower carbon footprint as well. They are both ENPlus A1 rated and BSL Approved and are made using FSC timber.
Woodlets are also perfect for pizza ovens – check out our myth-busting blog post on pizza oven pellets.