Firepit Bundle – Express Parcel Delivery!
Mixing the best of briquettes and traditional logs; this bundle is easy to to use and gives great heat and flames.
Our Firepit Bundle is an approx 33kg parcel pack, delivered to your door in 2 boxes
This will not be delivered on a pallet – it will come in a standard parcel van.
Enjoy your garden to the full with our fantastic outdoor firepit bundle.
This express pack consists of:
Waxling Firelighters (0.5kg)
Scottish Kindling Sticks (loose 2kg)
Kiln Dried Hardwood Logs (10kg)
BushBlok Pini-kay (10kg)
Woodlets Heatlogs (11kg)
Dr Heat are carbon neutral firelighters made in England from miscanthus grass and recycled candle wax.
Kindling Sticks are traditional, scottish softwood kindlers, ideal for lighting outdoor fires.
Kiln Dried Hardwood Logs are split mixed-hardwood logs, cut to 8 inches. They give a lovely tradtional look and flame.
BushBlok Pini-kay are a premium briquette producing a beautiful flame and then glowing red hot creating a wonderful heart in your fire.
Woodlets Heatlogs are round log type Nestro briquettes, made in Scotland. They burn with a great flame and light easily on top of kindling.
Perfect for:
Our Firepit Bundle is suitable for all firepits and chimeneas. The products have been chosen to burn well in an outdoor environment, without sparking or spitting. They can also all be used safely indoors, in open fires and stoves.
Please be fire safe! Outdoor fires should only be lit in designated areas and in suitable fire pits, chimeneas or other equipment. Always respect local advice and guidance and never leave an open fire unattended.
None of our briquettes contain additives or chemicals. They are made from pure, untreated wood by-product and are held together by compression alone.
Composition: 100% clean dry sawdust/wood fines
Compression: varies
Calorific value: varies
Max. ash content: <1%
Max. water content: <8%
Product Standard: FSC
Most of these briquettes come in a plastic pack. Please check with your local authority for recycling facilities.
Manufacturers widely use plastic to wrap briquettes, ensuring that they stay dry. A damp briquette breaks up, making it unsuitable for burning. We genuinely care about the environmental impact of our products and are constantly working to improve the sustainability of our packaging by using cardboard in place of plastic wherever possible. We also offer a plastic recycling scheme to customers returning their empty packaging to us. Environmental responsibility