Kindling Sticks – Nets


Traditional kindling sticks in nets. Evenly sized and kiln dried. Sourced locally to us in Dumfries and Galloway, from sustainable sources.

Mix Your Own Pallet Product

Scottish kindling nets

£6.50 6kg
Express Pack

Sample Pack – 1 x 6kg Net

£21.99 6kg


Ready to Burn logo for Kindling - Wood Fuel Co-operative

Kindling Sticks

Made from:

Packed in nets. Traditional Kindling sticks are made in Scotland from local, sustainably sourced kiln-dried softwoods. Consistently sized and very attractive, they are a traditional way of lighting your fire.

Burning characteristics:

An old-fashioned favourite, our kindlers are clean, dry and easy to light. They will burn quicker than Hotmax or other cobs but will ignite a well-laid wood based fire easily and effectively.

Perfect for:

Starting a wood-based fire. Use a good handful of sticks on top of a Dr Heat firelighter and place one or two briquettes on top.

Country of Origin:









Composition:  Made from kiln-dried softwood sourced from sustainable Scottish woodland
Compression:  N/A
Calorific value:  4.1 kWh/kg
Max. ash content:  1%
Max. water content:  <10%
Product Standard:


Block:  Stick: approx. 150mm long x 10mm to 15mm diameter
Weight:  10g to 30g approx.
Pack: Approx. 6kg Nets


Kindling sticks are packaged in Nets – We are working with our supplier to move to cardboard boxes as soon as possible.  Please check with your local authority for recycling facilities.