Explaining briquettes to your guests: It’s fun when a new visitor to the house spots the log basket next to the stove.
“Good grief, whatever are you burning?” is the usual question.
Usually there’s an interesting variety of wood briquettes on display and people are often amazed at how many different types there are – and how their burning properties differ. Explaining briquettes is easier than you might think.
Many of our customer’s favourites for the open fire at the moment are the Blazers logs. These are the pale cylindrical ones pictured on the top of the log basket. They need to be placed onto a hot base, such as Hotmax, in order to get going, but they then burn in two distinct phases. First they give a good bright flame, which sends out plenty of heat into the room, then they die down a little and continue to burn for a good while, putting out a good steady warmth.
The Blazers logs also smell great. They have a hole right down the middle, which is handy for using a poker to place them just where you want them on the fire. They work very well for stoves too, where they burn even longer because you can regulate the air intake.
You can get more information on the Blazers logs here.